Friday, November 12, 2010

of fist-bumps and past-loves

sometime during my hibernation period, i took time to see my sis from manila.

this sis was the one who listened to me when i was oa/warlah with bigboy, and i listened to her drama with her BF i'll refer to as mr.playah. we were in love at the same time and miserable at more or less the same time. she knew bigboy and i knew mr.playah. we are both over-thinkers and feeling-logical-pero-uber-emo-diay. hehe:) and at that time, we seemed to be on the same page because we both felt too much for the boys in our lives and we were really willing to go beyond our comfort zones and do whatever to try to make it with them.... pano kasi, those boys made us really fall off our high horses for the first time... our high-and-mighty feelingera selves.. tsk. tsk.

so anyway, when i was in manila, she told me that mr.playah was in manila just days before my arrival. they decided to meet... and after a long time of not seing each other, mr.playah extended his hand to give her a ... FIST-BUMP!!! oh yeah! the fist bump. then said nothing... wala na silang masabi. hehe:) i was teasing her and giving her a hard time for it... because... imagine, feeling so much for this person, telling them you missed them constantly, all the moments you shared... the i-love-yous and the cry-cry moments, the you-and-me-against-the-world and the i-cant-live-without-you feelings... all that and more seemed to deserve the fist-bump. is that even right? or ethical? or proper? what??? i dont get it.

oaky, in situations like this, what are you supposed to do? how do u greet an ex? how do you greet a past-love??

a. "hi" + wave
b. hug
c. beso/kiss
d. handshake
e. wala

a mere "hi" plus wave is too impersonal.. like magkalimtanay pa mog pangalan na level. a handshake is too formal. a bow is OWVURRR! a hug is too intimate. a beso or kiss on the cheek can be misleading. are we really out of options to the point that we greet past-loves with fist-bumps?? what happened to doing nothing and playing it cool?? that's how you greet most friends, right?? like, wala lang... ex naman siya, so demoted na siya from lover to friend. nothing is fine, i think.

why the fist bump??? maybe because generally, its a non verbal way of saying that u dont want anything more than friendship. a fist bump should tell you that you have been categorized under "strictly friendship only" or something like that... the fist bump suggests that they regard you as a person close to them, but there is a wall between you. there is a limitation to the kind of relationship you'll have or emotional investment you would make with this person.

given that, maybe the fist bump is the next best thing... right after nothing. hehe:)
but boys and girls dont normally fist bump... but whatever.

god bless!

ps. last night, i got a fist-bump
from a past love, so i remembered.

in re: hibernation

yes, i have been hibernating for the past few months... i was taking time off from my all consuming social life to focus on me and my skewed/stunted maturity... i have even kept myself from making entries here since i am trying not to make this a quasi-diary or more like an avenue to show-off my weak human sides... glad to know it worked.

since the time i tried to stay under the radar, things have changed. i feel like i have grown some and matured... i did somehow explore a few romantic webs, (although under the radar) and i found myself in situation i never thought i would. although i spent very little time with them, i met people who have opened me up more than i thought they would. i experienced a lot and realized so many things. see mommy? i learned!! :)

im back in school too. :) i hope i do better than good this time. :)

god bless!