Instead of getting into the brain chemistry about this question, I'll try to simplify it:
Your brain and body is smart and very adaptive . . . it knows what parts are needed at certain times. For example, when you go for a run, your brain and body push blood into your legs, as those are the needed parts to run. When you take a test, blood rushes into your brain for the same reason.
When you drink, your brain and body essentially does the same thing: it prioritizes what needs to be taken care of, and it prioritizes other parts of the brain (those needed to walk, speak, function, etc.) over those that can be put to the side (remembering stuff).
It comes down to chemistry and biology . . . you can't control it any more than you control how your computer works. That's just the way it is.
Good advice: don't drink so much that you shut down that part of your brain. Bad stuff happens then . . . take my word for it.
i got that answer from yahoo. its a very smart answer. i know. but i think, another good answer would be:
because you dot want to deal with what happened the night before.
hehe:) do i sound bitter? nah its just that, i rarely forget things when i'm drunk.
peace and love to all!
bitterness jud heheh
haha! hate you! haha!
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