no, dear reader, i did not call the guy 58million times. and i have a clear purpose for doing so. its like this:
monday: i got back from cebu n i told him (thru tx) that i got him something that does not have a very long shelf life and that it would expire soon. he said he'll text me kinabukasan.
tuesday: nothing.
wednesday: nagtx siya asking if nagexpire na yung thing. i said ndi pa. he asked me naunsa ko, n i told him i was sick. blah-blah n then i told him id tell him if i felt better i could leave the house na and maybe meet him to hand him the thing.
thursday: i called him, he picked up. he could not get it coz he was in a land far far away. (on this day also, my mom tells me to invite him to a family thng on sunday. kaperfect noh?)
friday: i was better so i ran a few errands and i called him but no answer. and i did not get a follow up txt from him.
saturday: the phone was ringin, then suddenly call failed. wtf?
i dont get it. y does he not take my call? or tx bak? i thought we were "friends" (even if its in the most awkward sense)??? does he think that getting him pasalubong is part of my grand plan to get him back??? geez. *eyes rolling* if that's the case, he needs to get over himself. like, ASAP. puhleeze! (yeah, for a second there, i wanted him back, but now i feel like the rose-tinted glasses dont fit me; my lifestyle, my choices, my personality and the way i'm wired. so now, its ciao foolish boy! if there is one lesson i should learn its that the lovey-dovey-puppy thang isnt for me. naka-move-on na ko, so should u!)

this behavior is seriously disappointing.. like, MAJOR disappointment! i thought he was one of those people who could be mature about the whole thing and transcend, u know?? well, apparently not. n this behavior cannot be rooted on bitter feelings because i dont think he really cared about me that mucho. so i'm just going to take this as a pure and simple brush off. very bad...
well, if that's how he wants to play it, then m thru playing nice.
affected much? heheh glad youre over him. like for real na jud=D
hahaha! m not even going to say that anymore.. :) kay i dont want to be wrong again.. like, for the Nth time... haha!
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