and i liked it... and no, not because the story sums up (with incredible precision) what happened between me and "my summer." although that personal experience contributed a lot with regard to my understanding or absorption of the story and what it was trying to say.
anyway, these are the reasons why i like it:
1. the shots were mostly close-up or zoomed in to something or someone. these shots are often used to draw attention to or emphasize someone or something. in the movie, it was used to give the audience a feel of what it is like to be in love.. u know? to pay attention to all the beautiful details, to just focus on that one person or event or thing and to not see the bigger picture. the close up shots got a bit annoying coz i could not see the scenery, but i appreciated the fact that it reminded us of how people in love see the world.
2. the story was not narrated chronologically. it went back and forth, relived some days and ignored some. i like that because that is how the mind works. the mind is not exactly always coherent, especially when it is rationalizing and trying to figure out a lot of things at the same time. instead, it pulls random memories and thoughts and it goes back and forth, while trying to make sense of things. it was rather helpful in conveying the characters pain and frame of mind.
3. i liked how love or experiences or a chapter in life was compared to buildings in architecture. it was said that in order to appreciate a building, you need to visualize or see it along with the other buildings around it.. in the same manner that an experience in life should not be taken as one unit or thing. it should be seen as a part of the grand plan or of life in its entirety.
4. i liked the black and white movie they saw! :) every scene had meaning or relation to what was happening with the characters tom and summer.. (actually, every scene in the movie 500dof had significance.. meaning, not much of the viewer's time was wasted.)
here are a few lines or parts that i liked:
*sadness is underrated.
*Summer: “One day I woke up and I just knew.”
Tom: “Knew what?”
Summer: What I was never sure of when I was with you XXX I knew I could promise him I’d feel the same way every morning. In a way that I.. I never could with you…
I knew I could promise him I’d feel the same way every morning. In a way that I.. I never could with you… ---ouch!
*and the part when they were at the door and Tom said that he did not care about the labels. he just wanted consistency; to wake up everyday blah-blah... the summer said "i cant give you that. no one can." like! hehe:)
there are a lot of things i forgot to mention in this post.. but these are probably the ones that i wanted to point out.
and i cant quite figure out why summer always had something blue on her... be it a blue ribbon, blue hair clip or her dress was blue or had blue prints... i did not get that... maybe it was a warning sign?? i dunno. i have theories, but none of it i can explain well.. any ideas?
ciao! :)
"If Tom had learned anything… It’s that you can’t ascribe great cosmic significance to a simple earthly event. Coincidence. That’s all anything ever is. Nothing more than coincidence.
It took a long time, but Tom had finally learned. There are no miracles. There is no such thing as fate. Nothing is meant to be. He knew. He was pretty sure."
1 comment:
"and i cant quite figure out why summer always had something blue on her... be it a blue ribbon, blue hair clip or her dress was blue or had blue prints... i did not get that... maybe it was a warning sign?? i dunno. i have theories, but none of it i can explain well.. any ideas?"
Purely aesthetic. It's to highlight those gorgeous oceanic eyes.
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